Thursday, June 26, 2008

What's it all coming to?

Sometimes I feel like the world is doing its damnedest to see that my idealism is destroyed. I've been strangely emotional about the news the last few weeks. This morning I actually cried a little in my cube when I read about the SCOTUS decision overturning the DC gun ban. Personally, I don't see how anyone can read the Second Amendment and not see how it's completely archaic, but that's less the problem than the tears are. (It also didn't help that Barack Obama's response to the decision said a whole lot of nothing that was meant to keep gun owners at bay.)

I've been listening to a lot of the radio show Democracy Now: The War and Peace Report lately. I had a backlog of podcasts that I hadn't listened to yet, so I would catch up on them during my commute. Way too often my eyes would well up while I was listening on the bus. And no one wants to be the girl crying on the bus. That's just too sad. I don't quite know what my problem is.

Yes, the news is sometimes unbearably depressing, but I should be able to keep it together. Sometimes it's the good news that makes me cry, which is even stranger. And with that rave recommendation, everyone should listen to this radio show!! You can get podcasts for free on iTunes, and their website is

I've been thinking that maybe what I need to do is start trying to do what I can to make things better. So, I gave money to the World Food Programme on Monday. That's one place where I know for sure that a little bit will go a long way. (If you're not ready to give money, at least click on the link at the bottom of my blog and play the vocab game -- it's fun, you're learning, and you're helping feed people!)

There was a guy, Derek, who sat next to me in one of my last English classes at UCSB. He couldn't believe my idealism, but said that it was because I was 20 and hadn't seen reality yet. He promised me that after law school I would be cynical and a Republican (gasp!). Well, the latter isn't happening anytime soon, and I'm just hoping the tears don't indicate the end of my idealism and the onset of cynicism.

1 comment:

teejay said...

stop listening to depressing podcasts!! or the news for that matter. check on what you care about and that's it, you still might feel sad but at least it will be in small doses. There is a lot of good stuff going on in the world to so make sure you keep up on that stuff too.