Monday, June 30, 2008


From left: cinnamon sugar, mango custard, haupia (coconut), and chocolate

I finally tried the famous malasadas at Leonard's Bakery. Apparently malasadas (Portuguese doughnuts) are really popular here and the local knowledge is that Leonard's are the best. I haven't tried any at another bakery, but I might have to agree based just on my tasting. The cinnamon sugar (and its friend, plain white sugar) is the traditional malasada, without any filling. Cinnamon is my favorite dessert spice, so this flavor of malasada is my favorite. The outside is a little bit crunchy and the inside is soft and doughy and sooo good.

I also really liked the mango custard, which was a big surprise because I'm usually not a big fan of mango. But it was the flavor of the month, so I had to try it. The coconut and chocolate flavors were fine, but I won't choose them again.

Leonard's Bakery was one of those places that everyone was telling me to try, so I'm glad I did. However, malasadas are definitely a once in a while treat =)

The same day I went to Leonard's, I tried a new beach. "Walls" (as the kids in the YCC call it) is actually right next to the beach I usually go to. But, as you can see from the picture, part of it is walled off to create a fairly still swimming area. I prefer it to the beach I had been going to because it's easier to cool off in this water. Kuhio Beach is right on a reef, so it's hard to walk in the water. Plus, at "Walls" I don't have to be dodging boogie boarders trying to take my head off.

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