Monday, June 9, 2008

Really good day

Yesterday was a great day, one of those days where nothing really special happens, but it's still a wonderful way to spend a Sunday.

I woke up around 8:15 (without an alarm clock!) and chatted with one of my new housemates for a while. I was heading off to the beach, but we made plans to go watch the Lakers - Celtics game at a Waikiki bar. Yay! I would have company!

I spent the morning at the beach, getting some "color" and listening to a girl refer to her friends as hookers and whores. She then proceeds to get on the phone and tell someone that she hasn't met any hot guys yet and really needs to find a one night stand. Not five minutes later, her boyfriend shows up! I really just wanted to turn around and tell him to run away and not look back. Well, with a girl like that it's probably pretty hard to miss the signs of what you're getting. Just keep your fingers crossed it isn't herpes.

Side note: My current beach read is The Omnivore's Dilemma. I suggest everyone pick it up and start reading. It's insightful and informative about food and agricultural issues that I only had a very shallow knowledge of. I dare you to read the first section and not see your grocery store completely differently.

Joel and I went to Lulu's, a bar/restaurant in Waikiki right across from the beach I'm usually at. It's a second story bar with open space where the windows should be and it has a great view of the beach. I really liked how laidback the atmosphere was and I was sold when three young teenage boys came in to watch the game and the waitstaff was completely fine with them sitting at a table just drinking water.

I was so happy to get to watch the game. With the 3pm start time out here I'm lucky if I get to listen to the game on -- DOI doesn't block that one! Ok, here's a question for the sports fans: why the hell hasn't anyone mentioned Lamar Odom two-handedly throwing the ball at a Celtics player on the floor?? No foul was called but they replayed it a couple of times and it looked like Odom was just being violent. I feel like it's at least worth a mention.

Getting to hang out with Joel was such a nice change of pace for me. He'll be here until the 15th, so I have a friend for about a week =) It's nice just to be able to sit down and talk with someone who's interesting and is actually interested in what I have to say too. I don't feel like I'm asking for much! And, as a bonus, Joel and Dave (his friend from work) should be back in Honolulu for a couple of days on July 5th or 6th. So, I've been promised a birthday celebration when they're in town. I know it's silly to worry, but knowing that someone will be around to celebrate with me makes everything a little easier.

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