Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My new calling

The other day I was supposed to meet up with this guy, Mike, but at the last minute he texted me and canceled. Needless to say, it was frustrating. It turns out that he is going back to California tomorrow because after only a week in Hawaii, he's decided to scrap his grad school plans and leave. Kind of nice to know that him cancelling wasn't about me, but also nice to be reminded that even though this is hard for me at times, I'm not about to quit after two months, much less a week.

Last night I had a barbecue at the bunkhouse with a few of my coworkers, so I got to show off my amazing grilling skills. It was mostly Mark's idea (whom you may remember from my first days here, awesome guy) because he thought I was too isolated at work. But, you give people one day's notice, and not a whole lot show up, just Mark, Rick (another guy at the house), and Will (a coworker). However, when they started raving about how good the food was, and that I should quit my job and open a restaurant, I didn't care that nobody else showed up =) We had a good time and luckily had finished cooking and eating by the time the skies opened up on us. Apparently we're going through a rainy period.

It's pretty gray out right now, but hopefully it clears up by this afternoon. I'm going on my first "real" hike ever with some coworkers and my boss...It's four miles, and "offers stunning views of the windward and southern coasts." I'm just worried that I'm not quite in good enough shape for it, but they think I'll be fine. Plus, there's nothing like the fear of humiliation to push my butt up a hill! And yes, I brought my camera.

I was thinking that on days I don't have pictures that fit the posts, I would just put up a "picture of the day." So here's yours for today. It's Hule'ia National Wildlife Refuge on Kaua'i. We just stopped at an overlook to look at it on our first day.

1 comment:

teejay said...

What no grilling pictures? Just kidding, love the photo. Hope the hike goes well and you all stay dry!