Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day Three - Friday - Pardoned (Part 2)

The beach we stopped at, Tunnels Beach, was gorgeous. A little foresty on the edges, with beautiful blues in the water. It seemed pretty shallow, so I hopped in, only to be immediately assaulted by a wave that was much stronger than it seemed. I ended up with sand in so many crevices, a blistered bug bite ripped off my knee leaving a bloody crater, and just a little confused. The tide was ridiculously strong and it brutalized me because I was too stupid to just say no. I kept going back for more, somehow thinking that it was just a freak wave, or two, or three...It was a little fun though, in an exhilirating, think I might drown kind of way.

Our next adventure was to drive home so we could be ready for sunset at Kilauea Point. On our way home we stopped to try and find marshmallows at another store, but apparently the entire island of Kaua'i was sold out of marshmallows. We ended up picking up a couple of jars of marshmallow fluff and making s'mores with it by putting the chocolate and graham cracker on the grill first to get it melty. Then you spread fluff on another graham cracker, and smush it together. And the "ghetto s'more" is born.

Anyway, that night M opened up the Kilauea Point refuge for us and let us climb to the top of the lighthouse to watch the sunset. The clouds weren't really cooperating, but it was beautiful nonetheless. It had been such a fun day for all of us that it was a really nice way to cap things off. Everyone was lighthearted and enjoying each other's company, and I had finally felt better about the van accident because all of the paperwork had been taken care of. The picture is blurry because of the setting we had to use to get enough light, but I think you can see that we're happy =)

After sunset at the lighthouse, we went back to the campsite and I made everyone fajitas on the grill, which were a huge hit. You all know how I love to cook for people, and teenagers who are really hungry and not picky are a great crowd, haha.

With full bellies and knowing that a long tomorrow was ahead of us, we crashed pretty early. Unfortunately, the rain continued much like it did Thursday night, but since I was better prepared it wasn't quite as bad. I was snug as a bug in a rug in my hooded sleeping bag. I felt a little more like a steaming sausage in a casing though, what with the heat and rain induced humidity...

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