Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Random Moments from Midway

Man alive is work slow today. I'm exhausted (haven't been sleeping well) and don't really have anything to do now that my replacement is here. Plus, everyone keeps asking why I don't just play hooky. Um, because I've always been too much of a good girl? Either that, or I'm too stupid to take advantage of the situation. Anyway, I'm just trying to get ready to go, but some things are making it harder. Like the moped repair guy who I thought was awesome but is telling me now that my moped might not be ready before I leave. I'm selling it to my replacement at work and I'm going to feel so terrible if I can't be there the first time she has to ride it. Oh well, nothing I can do except nagging him.

Today I'm just going to post some pictures of random things that struck my fancy on Midway.

Can anyone explain the significance of this warning? Was grape smuggling a big thing at one time?

Jet fuel. Never leave home without it.

Love this sign from the old machine shed.

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