Monday, November 17, 2008

Midway, Part VII

Happy Monday everyone! Midway sure is ending up with a lot of parts, isn't it? Hopefully I'll wrap it up pretty soon.

This is the start of my last work week in Honolulu. I fly back to DC on Friday. I'll likely continue writing when I'm back there...guess I have to figure out what to do with the title of the blog =)

As you can see from the picture above, I got to ride in the Midway fire truck! One of the firefighters took me out for a spin on the runway. When I got done with that, it seemed like some of the men in my group were a little jealous. "He even had the lights going while you were in it!"

One of the highlights of our last day at Midway was getting to see a Laysan albatross. Only two had come back to the island when we were there, and one was hanging out by a house, so we trekked off to see him.

Pretty cool looking bird, isn't he? Since I got here I've been wanting to see an albatross in person, mostly because I'm a total nerd and love the Coleridge poem "Rime of the Ancient Mariner." Just one of the many things that makes me special.

We also biked around the island to look at more of the historical stuff. There are still old cable buildings from 1903 that were built for the first around the world telegraph. Hopefully there will be some money for restoration, but it's likely only one will be saved and the others will go to ruin.

I have so many pictures of things from Midway that I never could post them all. I'm thinking I'll give you some more of the beautiful scenery and then use the rest of the pics as kind of "pictures of the day" when nothing particularly exciting is happening in my life. That way we'll get this series all wrapped up.

Beach at one end of the runway. It's closed to humans.

Looking back on Sand Island from one of the piers.

Crab in a hole.

And an appropriate photo to go out on. This is a view of the sunset from the plane while we were flying back to Honolulu from Midway. Beautiful. A wonderful way to end an amazing trip.

So what's my next adventure? You up for a post on packing suitcases? I'll try to come up with something more interesting than that.

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