Friday, September 12, 2008

We have a guest blogger!

Yup, it's true. I feel like an official blog now =) So without further ado, take it away Mom!

Greetings from Colleen’s guest blogger, Mom.

Her father and I had a fabulous visit with Colleen and were so happy she was able to take most of the week off work. Of course it went too fast and I didn’t take nearly enough pictures. But I am getting better.

We had a nice room at the Hyatt Waikiki with a gorgeous view but I think next time I’d like to rent a condo so we can have our own kitchen. $9 mai tais in a plastic Dixie cup is just too much! Plus I think I ate my weight in breakfast every morning at the buffet, moo!

Thanks to Biologist extraordinaire, Mike S. who gave us celebrity treatment on our tour of the James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge near Kahuku on Oahu’s north shore. This particular refuge is primarily devoted to four Hawaiian waterbirds on the endangered species list: the stilt, moorhen, coot and Hawaiian duck or koloa. We were lucky enough to see all 4. The bird on the horse’s back is a cattle egret which unfortunately likes to eat the babies of the endangered birds. Mike shared loads of information with us and we thoroughly enjoyed every bit. Thanks to you too Colleen!

This was our 4th trip to Hawaii and I am still overwhelmed by its beauty.

But this was my favorite view: (Mom's view from the sand)

BTW next time any of you complain about the cost of groceries think about $6 spinach and loaves of bread!



Colleen said...

Thanks so much Mom! And thank you for pointing out how hard I have it living in Hawaii -- it's all I can do to make it work with expensive bread and spinach =)

teejay said...

hey colleen! where's the picture of the cattle egret?

Anonymous said...

People should read this.