Friday, September 12, 2008


After lunch on the North Shore, we drove over to see Alii Beach, a beach I'd never been to before. What makes this particular stretch of Hawaii special is that Baywatch was taped here. Woohoo!

Pretty, yes? Can you see them running?

According to Mike S., one of our biologists, this building sweetened the deal for whatever company was producing Baywatch. The city/state/town (not sure which) built it in order to bring the fabulous acting of luminaries like Pam Anderson, Nicole Eggert, and the incomparable David Hasselhoff to the beaches of Haleiwa. Now the building is a rec center.

The North Shore is just so gorgeous. And, I want you to remember when looking at these pictures, it was a beautiful day out and the beaches were nearly empty! This was true of almost all of the beaches we stopped at while my parents were here, with the exception of Waikiki. Unbelievable.

Oh! I almost forgot! One last Baywatch type touch. The rescue surfboard! I love it.

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