Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fun on Mopeds

It's the moment you've all been waiting for: pictures of me on a moped! And, as an added bonus you get pictures of my mom on a moped! Because if I'm going to look stupid I don't want to look stupid alone.

That was me coming back into the compound - you see, we are let out once in a while.

And I think this look on my face is, "Ok Dad, you've taken enough pictures. Can I get off this thing now?"

Now for my favorite:

Look at my mom go! Woohoo!

It was a fun little way to cap off the trip. Tears came a little bit later.

P.S. I know I'm posting about the trip all out of order, but just deal with it.

1 comment:

teejay said...

Thanks for that Colleen. We look fabulous, and color coordinated too!