Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sorry for the delay

Several things have conspired against me doing a Maui post - the main ones are Safeway's apparent lack of caring that their wireless has been down for several days and my forgetful brain. If I could remember to put my Maui pictures on my flash drive I could bring them to work and post from here. Anyone want to remind me?

In the meantime, my adventures here in Honolulu have been somewhat damper than usual. The weather the last couple of days has basically been hot and humid with intermittent downpours that last 5-10 minutes. So I've been sweaty and wet... as most of you know, I hate the rain. I especially hate it when it wakes me up in the wee hours of the morning because it's coming down so hard. The dips in our street were flooded this morning. Oh well, the crappy weather makes it easier to avoid the many beaches experiencing jellyfish warnings right now. It's a strange week in the islands. Oh well, I'll just remember that there are places like this waiting for me this weekend. Worth braving the bursts of rain, don't you agree?
Beach on the North Shore of Oahu

1 comment:

teejay said...

hey colleen I'm your first follower!