Monday, September 8, 2008

Blast From the Past

I know you've all missed me terribly, but I had a real lack of internetting time while my parents were here for the past week. Hi Mom! But, yesterday morning the three of us went to Safeway to do a little surfing of the web (after eating some delicious malasadas at Leonard's - couldn't let them leave without it!)and I had a random, yet delightful meeting.

A young man sat down at one of the chairs near us (My mom's thought: "What a nice looking young man") and I leaned over to Mom and said, "That guy really looks like Fred's little brother." Now, I don't actually know anyone named Fred, but if I used the real name then it would spoil the surprise for all one of you who reads this who also knew me in high school (Hi Sarah!). I kept trying to sneak stares at this kid so I could decide whether or not I actually knew him when I had a brilliant idea - check Facebook! Lo and behold, the recent pictures looked just like him and there was a brief Hawaii mention somewhere on the page.

So, I said, "Nick?" He looked at me for a moment and then it dawned on him who I was and said that he thought I looked familiar but didn't think he could possibly know me. Well, he did. Nick Whitenack lives like three blocks away from me! For those of you to whom this means nothing, Nick is an awesome fella I knew back in high school when I was in band (yup) and good friends with his big brother, Benji. (Also turns out that Benji will be visiting soon, so we can have a mini RB reunion.)

Look how cute and not at all awkward we look in this picture my mom made us pose for after we spent some time catching up.


Sarah said...

YAY Nick!! I like how you thought you needed to disguise his identity in writing even though there was a big picture of him at the bottom of the post :) I can't believe that you get to see Benji. That will be so fun! Tell him I say hello.

Colleen said...

Ok missy, you think you're so smart don't you =) You're right, pretending it wasn't Nick was silly. But, in my defense, it's only silly when looking at the actual blog. When I'm drafting these it's in a smaller window, so it appeared to me that you would have to scroll down for the big reveal. Whatevs.