Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Tony Bourdain Moment

Ok, so first, let me say that I know I'm lame for not posting in a long time (as Sarah frequently reminds me...). Last week I was putting in long days because of the Hawaii Conservation Conference. I would get to the office early to work on the public comments and then spend the day at the convention center. The convention center is beautiful, all open air. I got a little "scienced out" by the end of it, but overall I'm glad I got to attend the conference. I definitely learned a ton, and I met a lot of people I had only talked to on the phone before.

Last Saturday I just spent the day at the beach, but then had a mini adventure when I got hungry. Last season, Tony Bourdain came to Honolulu for his awesome show No Reservations (bummed I'm missing this season). One of the places he went to was Puka Dog, a hot dog stand that takes a big bun, puts a hole in it, sticks it on a hot metal stick like thing to toast it, squirts in a hot sauce and a fruit sauce and adds a polish sausage. I had a dog with "hot" chili pepper sauce (kind of creamy and not as hot as I wanted, so I'll have to try the "hot hot" habanero sauce) and pineapple sauce. It sounds weird, but it was soooo good! Somehow the combinations of flavors really work together. I took some pictures for you =) Unfortunately the one of the actual hot dog is kind of blurry.

The more opaque yellow sauce is the chili pepper sauce and the jelly looking one is the pineapple sauce.

I also bought new shoes this weekend; I need to give flip flops a rest at least some of the time because I'm getting some massive blisters on the bottom of my feet. I have a picture of the shoes because I'm in love with them, but I decided to spare you a picture of the blisters.


teejay said...

Love the shoes and hooray for pictures!! Not sure about the fruity hot dog but I'd definitely be up to try it.

Sarah said...

AHHH I love those shoes!! :) Can we get hot dogs when we come to visit?