Monday, August 11, 2008

Adventures in Baking

On Sunday I baked my first loaf of bread, ever. It turned out okay, just a little bland. Sure is yummy with butter though =) My favorite part of the process was definitely "punching" the dough down after it had risen. Deflating the dough was very satisfying. Overall it was really easy and something I think I'll continue doing. Kneading it wasn't so bad, although I was watching American Gangster at the same time, so it didn't seem quite so long. (First movie I've liked Russell Crowe in, btw...) Our DVD player is on the fritz and refusing to do anything, including turn off. Wouldn't be so bad because I have my laptop, except for the fact that my Moulin Rouge special features disc is now trapped inside the DVD player. I swear, every piece of technology I touch freaks out!

The bread actually makes a great foil to the homemade chicken sausage I got at the farmers' market on Saturday. Guess I'll mark that recipe as one for "buns."

I took pictures of the bread, but continue to forget to transfer them to my jump drive so I can put them up at work, so I'm going to post this now and hope eventually I remember the pics.

1 comment:

teejay said...

Anxious to see the pictures. There is a great white bread recipe here:
you'll just have to do it all by hand. Resist the temptation to add too much flour while kneading. It's ok if its a little sticky, you want only enough flour to keep it "kneadable".