Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Some inauguration pics

I was waiting to post about my inauguration adventures until my friend Matt sent his pics (he has some of the better ones), but I'll go ahead and start.

Matt came down from New York on Monday night and ended up getting a call from a friend who had extra tickets to the standing room section by the Capitol Reflecting Pool. This involved having to get up on about 4 hours sleep, and then we went to the metro. The trains were ridiculously full and the station was filling up, so we decided to walk in. We got a shuttle to Rosslyn, and then started the walk into DC.

You can see that there was a big line of people we were following in. At this point we had to crawl through a hedge to get to the Memorial Bridge. Like that you can see the sunrise?

At the far end of that picture you can see the Lincoln Memorial. It's my favorite way to get into the city. It's a breathtaking reminder of the wonders of this city. I never get tired of the history and memorials of this place.

It's the frozen Potomac! It was about 15 degrees at this point. I was awfully cold. We were walking and I was wearing tights under my jeans, and my rear still started going numb.

My pretty picture of the sunrise as seen from the bridge.

We walked into DC, then over to Foggy Bottom to pick up the tickets Matt's friends left us. After that we went to the metro station. And that's when the wheels came off the wagon...